For Big Gun DXers & Contesters ' - cause life's too short to enunciate; -- All the news that isn't
For the last two years, a top notch collection of Big Guns have conducted Contest University on Thursday prior to the Dayton Hamvention. This has been an excellent opportunity for Big Gun wannabees to learn from the best of the best and rub elbows with the Big Gun contesters.
During last weekend's IARU contest some participants encountered a handful of stations handing out seemingly non-sequitur responses to their contest exchanges. In response to the usual signal report and zone, they were confronted with exchanges such as "yes", "no", "maybe", and "depends". Many thought it was the work of pranksters.
It turns out a scheduling conflict resulted in the puzzling exchanges.
In addition to the regularly scheduled IARU contest, the Philosophical Radio Society had unintentionally scheduled their Descartes Day Radio Exchange, also known as the I Are, Are You? contest, where participants exchange their responses to Descartes' "cogito, ergo sum" proposition. The Philosophical Radio Society apologies for any confusion caused by the conflicting schedules and is looking for an alternative date for next year's event. Under consideration are the last weekend in October and the third weekend in November.